Thursday, June 17, 2010

You can't resist it (it's electric)

In the era BCM (before the common Milo), I spent a fair amount of my time dancing and/or singing while doing otherwise ordinary household tasks.  Dishes, flossing, making the bed (I kid, I kid.  I don't make the bed), all made better by spontaneously bursting into song. 
So it came as no surprise to me that when I needed to entertain a small and adorable child, I would do so by singing and
  1. Dancing for him
  2. Making his body dance for him
  3. Both
My wife has now caught several of these on tape.  Check out her Vimeo page for future 'So You Think You Can Dance' all-star Milo 'Moves' Langford.  You'll see him dance the Macarena, sing Ben Fold's Five's Underground, and wonder what it's like out of these...waters.  But all of this is just the tip of my future child/actor's talents.  He's tap danced to Happy Feet (the Kermit the Frog version, nothing to do with that wretched penguin movie).  He can already sing the solo's to Bohemian Rhapsody.  And the kid works hard.  Here he is practicing in his sleep.
This kids electric, boogie woogie woogie

Talent scouts, eat your heart out.

Gathering future material to someday embarrass my kid...Check.

1 comment:

  1. Let's hope he takes after you, or he will not be getting on any of those dancing reality shows. And since that is my biggest hope for him, it'd be a real shame if he can't bring in da noise or da funk.
