Monday, May 3, 2010

It's like WrestleMania III

In the red corner, weighing in at 10 lbs. 5 oz, using the disarming cute, a viscous 8 inch reach, and the speed of...well, he can't actually walk yet... The Menacing.  The Maniacal.  The Madorable.  Milo the Marauder.

Our two champions before the fight

And in the blue corner, weighing in at, well, pretty skinny for a fully grown adult male... The going-prematurely gray.  The pretty-good-at-the-non-contact-sport-of-yoga.  The software engineer.  Andrew the Super-Dad-Man.

Let's get ready to unintentionally rumble.

Andrew goes in quick for the bear hug.  Yes, Andrew has completely picked Milo up.  Oh, this could get ugly.  Milo's head is head resting in the crook of Andrew's guns and...wait, OH MY GOD, he's gently bouncing Milo.  Yes, it's a sleeper hold.  I don't think Milo can take much more of this.  His eyes are starting to close...

Oh wait, Milo's got one eye open.  Now the other.  He's waving his arms.  The crowd's really getting into it.  Watch out for those arms, Andrew.   Watch out for the arms!


It looks like Andrew's bleeding.  Oh the humanity.  I think the ref's going to call it.  Yes, Milo's done it.  He's knocked Andrew out with one carefully placed swipe to the lip.

This thing is over.


That's right, Milo just beat me up.  He hit me in the lip with a flailing arm.  It stung, but I didn't know it was actually bleeding until I kissed his cheek and left a little 'lipstick' print.  Adorable(?)

I knew parenting would be tough, but I didn't realize how tough Milo himself would be at 6 weeks.

Gloaty McGloats-A-Lot after his recent victory

For anyone with 9 minutes to spare, here's a dramatic reenactment.  

Hulk, you're still my hero (but probably only because I never watched your reality show)


  1. Haha, the sleeper hold... I love it. Nice post, Super-Dad-Man.

  2. I knew he was going to be bad-ass.

  3. After thinking about it maybe we should not get the kids together this weekend.

  4. So funny! Gavin once gave me a fat lip when he kicked the glass I was drinking out. They're amazingly strong at such a young age!
